GA4 Settings You Need To Know (And Enable)

Essential GA4 Settings You Need to Know (And Why They Matter)

Transitioning to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) presents a significantly different landscape from Universal Analytics. Understanding and correctly configuring essential settings is crucial for maximizing the quality and usefulness of your collected data. Let's dive into some of the most important areas and why they deserve your attention.

1. Referral Exclusions: Maintain Data Integrity

Traffic that appears to originate from your own website, often due to payment processors or subdomains, can distort your analytics. Referral exclusions act as a filter, instructing GA4 to ignore traffic from specified sources, ensuring accurate reporting of new visitors.

2. Enable Google Signals: Unlock Deeper Insights

Google Signals allows GA4 to leverage additional data from connected Google products. This results in enhanced insights into cross-device user behavior and more precise remarketing audience creation. While privacy remains paramount, Google provides robust controls for managing this data.

3. Configure Your Domains: Ensure Seamless User Tracking

If your user journeys span multiple domains or subdomains, ensure GA4 is configured to recognize them. This prevents a single user from appearing as multiple fragmented sessions, safeguarding the accuracy of your data.

4. Integrate Google Ads & Search Console: Maximize Visibility

Linking these powerful tools with GA4 offers a wealth of benefits. Importing Google Ads data provides a richer view of campaign performance beyond simple clicks, including cost information. Search Console integration reveals the actual search terms that lead users to your site, offering invaluable insights for content optimization.

5. Utilize UTM Parameters: Track Traffic with Precision

These specialized tags appended to links are vital for GA4's accurate attribution. Consistent and proper use of UTM parameters ensures that traffic from email campaigns, social media, or other sources is correctly categorized, preventing it from being lumped into uninformative "direct" traffic buckets.

Beyond the Fundamentals

GA4 provides further customization options such as disabling built-in form tracking if needed, and adjusting session timeout settings. The optimal approach for these may depend on your website's specific requirements.

Key Takeaway

Success with GA4 relies on deliberate configuration, not merely activating every available setting. Mastering a few essential settings will have a far greater impact on the quality and utility of your analytics data.

If you have further questions regarding GA4 setup, feel free to share them in the comments!


How to build session attribution for GA4 data


Mastering GA4: What You Need To Know